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About Us

Facilities and Resources

At Cognitio, we maintain international standard facilities and resources to facilitate our commitment to services delivery. Our operational office is situated out of a brand new building in central Colombo, Sri Lanka. We have the capacity to expand up to 14,000 square feet over seven floors.

Our facilities and resources include the following: 

  • Dedicated operational areas with comfortable. work stations for each member of our operational team.

  • Dedicated interview cabins for conducting credibility assessments.

  • Discussion rooms.

  • Large conference room with high-end video conferencing facilities.

  • Training and development area.

  • Dedicated and high-speed cable internet connection.

  • Staff recreational area.

  • High spec laptop with an additional monitor for each member of staff.

  • Noise cancelling headphones for credibility interviewers.

  • Multiple phones with international calling facility.

  • Installation of noise cancellation software in the laptops used by credibility interviewers.

  • Maintenance of surplus laptops for emergency.

  • Continuous supply of electricity for uninterrupted international IT enabled services - we have a dedicated and high-capacity automatic power generator as a backup. 

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